(mobi) cross-platform development

(mobi) project management and development

Mobile PM, QA & Development

Cross-platform mobile application PM, QA and development


RH Ink

From 2009 to 2011 RH Ink - aka inkrh.com was operated as a dba for contract artist work, creating print-ready artwork for use with websites, mobile apps, posters, logos and various other marketing or publicity pieces, as well as providing minor development and documentation services.

Recent Work

My most recent work includes technical analysis, mobile application vulnerability scanning, mobile application and back-end development, and project management.


I currently work for Merck & Co. Inc. with mobile application development teams, where I am responsible for improving development, code security, and publication standards. I am occasionally available for interesting non-conflicting projects in the mobile app development industry, including Xamarin development, design, UI/UX, project management and QA.

I can be contacted at robert@inkrh.com.

(mobi) project management and QA

(personal) iOS game

(mobi) project management and QA

(mobi) QA

(mobi) enterprise development

(personal) iOS utility

(personal) iOS utility


print asset

cover artwork

print artwork


project management

quality assurance

workflow management

visual and functional quality control

project analysis

project planning

application and website wireframing

source control and work-item management

.Net, Xamarin.Forms, Python, XAML

familiarity with Java, JavaScript, HTML, and various other languages

creation of proofs of concept

Photoshop, Illustrator, and other Adobe CS tools

Visual Studio and Xamarin Studio

copy editing


graphic processing



T-shirt asset

35mm photography

chemical toning

macro photography